Release notes 14.0 Modified the way AP's (all hardware variants) handle maintenance dates. Fixes a FSU crash if a date was set to the 31st of a month. 14.1 Improved speed and reliability of downloads from Liftlog by putting the Bluetooth modem in a mode that is optimised for throughput. Added support for Jackmaster controllers and pendants. Improved startup time for HB200 displays. 14.2 Simplified UI for AccessPack configuration. A preset for each kit added. The ability to save user presets. Fixed intermittant bug with series III settings getting corrupted when set. 14.3 Tweaked the behaviour of some XL screens in the FSU 14.4 Fixed a problem with the "Bind to Logger" button for AccessPack. Improved the handshack timing between the block III accesspacks and the XL. Tweaked the XL firmware to work with US SIM cards. 14.6 Firmware update for the HB200 to fix wireless load summation problem. 14.7 Firmware update for MaxOut to increase the load precision to 1Kg, new screen layouts for AccessPack 15.0 updates for xl,liftlog and maxout improving hoistnet connection behaviour. Update for Series II AccessPack improving interoperability with the site sentinel. 15.1 Firmware for HB200 to display in tons. 15.2 Fixed Zeroing bug in Maxout, updated support link 15.3 Update for Liftlog to be able to disable unused inputs and filter noise on the others. 15.4 Maintenence update for Gen III AccessPack 15.5 Added animated "connecting" icon to front screen so that tablet users could see that something is happening, Fixed a bug where FSU wouldn't update firmware on second device without restarting. 15.6 FW update for MaxOut and HiBeam, allow logging of load limit events. Update for site sentinel allows email and SMS notifications of same. Improved firmware management see 15.7 Changed timing of Liftlog's 'load config from eeprom' code for Paul, AccessPack now talks to sensor in lockbox, Sentinel now supports multiple units on site.. 15.8 A small list of changes for the Rogaining system. 15.9 and 16, Updates for Rogaining system 16.1 Updates to support overload logging and SMS messaging with HiBeam and MaxOut, Important update for Sentinel, AP update for lockbox sensor 16.2 Better Timezone handling for AccessPack and Sentinel. 16.3 Actually a big update. We migrated the FSU to a new dev environment and tidied up a few things as part of that process. There's firmware for AP with streamlined date and time management. Firmare for HB200's that speeds up connection times when doin load summation over HoistNet. Support for the HoistNet enabled SideWise. Support for the new data logger for mobile cranes. 16.4 Update for MaxOut to speed up switching time in slack rope detection applications. 16.5 Update for HiBeam to support X Scale, Sentinal updates for faster liftlog data transfer 16.7 We improved connection times for all HoistNet devices, allowing for load summation where one HoistNet source is powered off. Added initial support for prestart checks on AccessPack. and added support for the Saber6 radios 16.8 Change to Saber 6 to fix horn bug 16.9 Initial support for LiftlogDX 17.1 Added Hoistnet capability to LiftlogDX and 10x faster downloads. 17.3 Update for MaxOut enabling hoistnet load summation 17.4 QLink,FLink,RS232 support for Liftlog DX, Fix for MaxOut to allow longer email address 17.5 Sentinel support for Liftlog DX 17.6 Android connections for AccessPack (needed for prestart on lollipop) new screen for HiBeam setup. 17.7 Improved noise performance for Liftlog. Bug fix for rogaining checkpoint. Documentation update for HiBeam. 17.8 Fixed a bug in HB firmware that was preventing the load sum check box from appearing on the FSU screen. Big thanks to Prawit for spotting this. 18.0 Allowed setting zero on LiftlogDX when the load signal is slightly negative 18.1 Not released 18.2 Added load summing to HB200. Tweaked timing on firmware updates for Rogain CheckPoints. Added DC input option for LiftlogDX 18.3 Changed timing on HoistNet connections for LiftlogDX and HB200 to make it easier to connect if a hoistnet source is unavailable. 18.4 FIxed a problem where LiftlogDX amy record bad dates... 18.5 Saber 6 sentinel support and update 18.6 Tare for hoistnet loads on HB200 18.7 Support for MaxOut DX 18.8 Updates for HoistNet gateway and high speed door controller 18.9 Updates for HiBeam implementing power brownout detection and inverted RS232 option for XScale. Improved maintenance mode LED behavour for Saber6 19.0 Update for Liftlog enabling overload logging and lockout. 19.1 Improvements to liftlog flight control 19.4 Firmware for liftlogDX supporting improved Liftlog Flight Control and support for units with integrated OLED displays 19.5 Firmware for LiftlogXL (Series2) to disable the internal GSM modem and work with Sentinel, Firmware for Site Sentinel to work with LiftlogXL 19.6 Firmware for HoistNet Gateway to fix bug with loads greater than 32768Kg being sent incorrectly on RS485 19.7 Firmware for HoistNet Gateway to fix bug where load in kg was generating too many space characters on serial output 19.8 Firmware for sentinel to make it pull all of the backlogged data from a liftlog before it moves onto the next one. 19.9 Bug fix for Liftlog where a negative load at any time in the lift results in a logged load of zero. 20.0 Better error handling for liftlogDX (less dropouts). Multi point calibration for HiBeam. Fail safe or fail secure selector for SideWise. Airway support for sidewise and maxout. 20.1 Our supplier changed the bluetooth radios we buy, so most of this update is about dealing with that. There are some tweaks to the way configurations are loaded and saved in MaxOutDX and LiftlogDX and LiftlogDX now supports construction elevators.. 20.2 Gen III HiBeam displays support CAN internally, this release allows it to be configured. 20.3 Fix for firmware update problem for liftlogXL 20.4 Added support for GENII HB200's faster settling less noise 20.5 Workaround for Ben and his construction elevators. 20.6 Accesspack firmware 13.1 now supports SLB White/Green/Yellow cards. 20.7 Improved handling of negative loads over hoistnet, Advanced zoning for MaxOutDX 20.8 Added support for very long passwords in site sentinel 20.9 Firmware 22.4 for LiftlogDX to help diagnose a problem at Simcoa 21.0 Update for two button start on Saber 6. 21.2 Update for LiftlogDX to improve speed and reliability of downloads. 21.3 Update for AirwayDX to fix timing bug in three way connections. 21.5 Initial support for Liftlog SL 21.6 Update for HiBeam supporting 4 and 6 digit CANBus display emulation 21.7 Update for Saber 6 to fix an intermittent bug where tokens with expiries are rejected until a card with a token that doesn't have an expiry is used. 21.8 Relaxed timing when running on a VM hopefully this fixes the 'config not saving for liftlogdx' bug 22.0 Liftlog support for Traffic lite2. 22.1 Support for Lb in Liftlog, MaxOut and HB200 22.2 Added firmware update for sentinels to work better with Gen I Liftlog XL 22.4 Updates for Saber 6 to work better with Link-4. Update for HB200 to work with DataPro64 22.4 Update for european standards. 22.6 Update for Maxout that fixes the "Config not saved" bug 22.7 Update for Sentinel/Link-4 that automatically resets if the communications link is lost. 22.9 Update for MaxOut and Liftlog allowing one traffic lite output to be on at a time. 23.0 Update to .Net framework 4.5 and changes to firmware update timing. 23.1 Installation reports for LiftlogDX 23.2 Fixed bug in installation report that mis reported multiple active inputs, fixed bug in MaxOutDX that was reporting Kg as Km 23.3 Added ability to load calibration from a previously saved config file, right click on the cal button. 23.4 Fixed a bug where a device wouldn't come out of load limit when in load summing mode. 23.5 New firmware update routines that will work with all versions of the FSU, changes to load summation on HiBeam, LiftLog and MaxOut 23.7 Firmware update for HiBeam fixes problem where tare in HoistNet mode will briefly drop connection. Update for new bluetooth modules. 23.8 Improved detection of Lifltog Black Edition 23.9 Firmware for HiBeam to make it double check that the correct input signal has been configured. 24.0 Firmware update for MaxOutDX to speed up slack rope detection. 24.3 Fix to allow debug connections to ? icons. 24.5 Fix for Link-4s connecting to new devices 24.6 Update for Liftlog to reduce noise 24.7 Support for Gen 5 AccessPack 24.9 Added new bluetooth address' to allow devices to be correctly detected. 25.0 Improved support for digital cells 25.3 Slingsafe support for Liftlog, Update for Link-4 to recognise more devices. 25.4 Additional support for more bluetooth addresses, 4 way links for airway, AccessPack VI support for link-4 25.4 Fixed connection problem with some liftlogs. 25.7 DCell support and more stable F-Link for maxout and liftlog 25.8 Support for Stratos construction elevators MODBUS connection. 25.9 Fix for calibration bug in HB200.... 26.0 Fix for the fix for the calibration bug in HB200 :-( 26.1 Support for ultrasonic limit switch system 26.2 Support for new radios 26.4 Slave Bridge function for Airway. 26.5 Update for airway, speed up, three way connections from the FSU 26.6 New version of Team Viewer 26.7 Firmware for maxOutDX, LiftlogDX and HiBeam to allow reporting of summed load on the displays. 26.8 Update for MaxOutDX to resolve conflict between digital load cells and traffic lite. 26.9 Update for LiftlogDX to resolve conflict between digital load cells and traffic lite, update for HB200 to enable firmware updating whist HoistNet is active 27.1 Support for new Link-2 modems 27.2 Fixed "Nothing in binding list" bug 27.3 Support for longer range models 27.4 Fix for new model ABUS LIS-SV 27.5 Fix for link-2 problems after windows update 27.6 Fix for Link-2 in the Netherlands 27.7 Improved filtering fro traffic lite outputs 27.8 Suppoer for Gen 3 AirWay 27.9 Faster switch times for 4 way connections with gen 3 Airway 28.0 Bug fix for Airway in pessimistic mode. 28.1 Update for Airway that allows for more complex bridge slave configurations, Updates for LiftlogDX and MaxoutDX to fix taring DCell 28.2 Another Airway update, fix for disconnect and name truncation bugs. 28.4 Better handling of remote bridge mode for Airway 3, fix for calibration of analog cells in Liftlog DX, fix for Link-4's not detecting LNew LiftlogDX units 28.5 Airway fixes. Bridge invert now works in bridge slave mode. Input inversion works. Fixed a bug in the FSU where DC inputs weren't sticking. 28.6 Still more updates for Airway :-( Inverted the DC inputs 28.7 Fix for data download problem with older liftlogs. 28.8 Added usage download for Accesspack. 28.9 Update for Hoistnet Gateway to handle devices going out of range 29.2 Support for TFL300 29.3 Fix for MaxoutDX <-> FSU communications glitch. 29.4 Update for Sidewise and HB200, improved data downloads with new Link-2's 29.6 Fix crash reports on exit, and new firmware for sidewise that fixes problems 29.7 Fix fo zero button not working on Liftlog 29.8 Improved discovery for Link-4 (bugfix) 29.9 Fix bug where black Link-2 modems couldn't connect to really old (GEN3 and earlier) AccessPacks. 30.0 Added support for NOV PLC based BOM's in AccessPack 30.1 Added supprot for MTC input on HB200 displays 30.2 Accesspack updates for prestart checks.. 30.3 Link 4 update to handle cellular network problems better. 30.4 Fix for Sidewise units that you cant discover in the FSU, change for zeroing routines in MX, LL, and HB to allow a larger negative offset from analog load pins. 30.6 Added expiry dates for prestarts 30.7 Fix for LLBlack downloads 30.9 Updated firmware for AccessPack to deal with new prestart functions. 31.0 Update for liftlog to fix random DCell errors. 31.1 Fix for temporary unlock bug in AccessPack, Support for GenII Accesspacks with black Link-2 modemns 31.2 Improved device discovery with black Link-2 modems 31.4 Fix for AirWays in bridge slave mode. 31.5 HoistNet for Sidewise in synchronised lift applications and an Update for Airway taling to sidewise. 31.6 Update for Liftlog to use shadow config copies