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Link-2 is a USB industrial Bluetooth modem.
It's used to connect to all of SoleDigital's BlueTooth enabled products (Liftlog™,Liftlog™XL, TrafficLite, AccessPack, Airway and HiBeam).

  • Outstanding Range: More than 100m to SoleDigital products!
  • Simple Installation, just load our Field Service Utility app and you're up and running.
  • Australian designed and manufactured.
  • Australian manufacturer extended hours support available.
Link-2 Link-2 Data modem


Length (mm) 58
Width (mm) 20
Height (mm) 11
Weight (g) 9


Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units
Band Operating Frequencies 2400 2483.5 MHz
Power Maximum TX power Class 1 100 mW
Temperature Operating Temperature 0 65# °C

# Extended operation at maximum temperature will reduce device life.

Technical Documents

    See product user manuals for information on using Link-2.

Installing USB drivers for the Link-2 modem
My phone / laptop / toaster has Bluetooth. Why do I need a Link-2?

First up, we tried it that way for a while. We tested over 20 different phones, PDA's and laptops and were disapointed with the results.

The Bluetooth modem in your phone is designed to connect to a hands-free kit on your head or in your car. It has a maximum range of 10-15m. This just isn't good enough to talk to a device in an electrical cabinet, on the other side of a steel beam.

The transmitter in a Link-2 industrial Bluetooth modem is 10 times more powerful that the one in your phone or laptop, and the receiver is up to three times more sensitive, that's why it works so well.

Oh, and the Bluetooth software in Windows, Android, IOS, and your toaster just isn't good enough for industrial connections. (Ask yourself, how many times has your hands-free kit in your car played up?)

OK, So what kind of range can I expect?

A tricky question because it depends on things like how the thing you're trying to connecto to is oriented, whether it's in a stainless steel or plastic box, where you are with your laptop etc...

In an open field you'll get a connection from 800m away! In a busy factory, this may drop to 60-70m.