Stock Status: Discontinued


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Nb, LiftlogXL is no longer manufactured, this page is provided for support purposes. We recommend Liftlog and Site Sentinel as a simpler and lower cost solution for multi hoist monitoring.

Liftlog™XL is an advanced remaining life and load limiting data-logger for cranes. It can simultaneously monitor two hoists and in addition to logging vertical lifting motions, also supervises long and cross travel. Overloads and dangerous usage will trigger immediate email or SMS alerts. Data is automatically downloaded in real time using GSM/3G/GPRS or WIFI connectivity.

Liftlog™XL is particularly well suited to users seeking an integrated enterprise solution for crane monitoring and management, high risk applications requiring increased oversight of crane operation and dual hoist or process cranes.

  • Calculates remaining design life (DWP) according to latest Australian standards (eg. AS2550.1-2011)
  • Calculates according to an alternative standard (e.g. ISO) or customized specification
  • Monitors remaining DWP in real-time
  • Provides real-time alerts on damaging crane operations via email or SMS
  • Records data from dual hoist cranes with single logger
  • Records responsible operator against all logged motions and alerts (AccessPack required)
  • Performs load limiting
  • Monitors and records all hoisting motions
  • Monitors cross and long travel motions
  • 10 Million operational events stored onboard
  • Real-time uploading of data to website via WiFi or 3G
  • Raw data available as a simple text file, accessible from secure website indefinitely
  • Custom reports available
  • 24-240 VAC or 12-48VDC Operating voltage range
  • Wireless configuration and data download via Bluetooth
  • Output provided to drive a digital load display
  • Compatible with OEM crane control products
  • Australian designed and manufactured
  • Australian manufacturer extended support available

Liftlog™XL has only one model (LL300). This unit is capable of accepting any type of commonly used load inputs, and can be powered from a wide range of AC or DC power sources.


The Liftlog™XL is designed to be installed on a 30mm DIN rail or can be screwed in place.The

Dimensions of the Liftlog are provided in the following diagram.

Length (mm) 157
Width (mm) 86
Height (mm) 58
Weight (kg) 0.3
Mounting Bulkhead or 30mm DIN rail


Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units
Vin Supply Voltage 32 250 VAC
Iin Supply Current 20 30 100 mA
Iinput Input current draw (up, down, north, south, east, west pins) 0.05 0.1 0.2 mA
Vfault Max voltage for fault output 250 VAC
Ifault Max current sink by fault output 4 A
Pfault Max contactor inrush rating at 48V 200 W
Operating Temperature -40 85# °C

# Extended operation at maximum temperature will reduce device life.

Upgrading Firmware
Troubleshooting the 3G/GPRS connecion
Extracting data from the SD card manually

Installing USB drivers for the Link-2 modem
Why do I need a crane data logger?

According to the latest version of AS2550.1-2011: Cranes, hoists and winches – Safe Use: “failure to keep records of use will dictate the necessity for more frequent major inspections” (AS2550.1-2011, p49). The only method of recording usage that will not require the remaining life to be reduced by a factor of safety is to use an automatic recording system, such as Liftlog™. This reduction can be up to 33% of crane life!

What else do I need?

You will need a load signal from somewhere. This is typically a load cell or an output from a crane controller (e.g. Konecranes ControlPRO, ABUS LIS etc). If you don’t have either of these, we sell a couple of types of rope clamp load cells that are sufficiently accurate for remaining life estimation.

Liftlog™XL has lots of inputs. Do I have to connect them all up?

No, not at all (although functionality will obviously be reduced). For the Liftlog™XL to operate the following must be connected as a minimum:

  • A constant power supply; plus
  • 1 or more inputs (motion, limit or load cell).

The following additional types or inputs are optional:

  • Up to 15 motion inputs; and/or
  • Up to 9 limit inputs; and/or
  • Up to 2 load cells (of any type); and/or
  • 2 Fault outputs.
What series device do I have?

Liftlog™XL V2 devices are marked with a serial number that begins with a 2 (e.g. 2-001, 2-974).

If you have a Liftlog™XL with a two or 3 digit serial number that is smaller than 200 (e.g. 72, 196), you have a V1.

Terminal positions and allowable voltage ranges vary between series 1 and 2.

Can I piggy back off an existing load display?

Yes, definitely. The recommended method for connecting a Liftlog™ to an existing load display is to use a 4-20mA output from the display to a 4-20mA configured Liftlog™ or to insert a 4-20mA Liftlog™ into an existing current loop.

Where this is not an option, it may be possible to piggyback the Liftlog™ onto the strain gauge inputs of the load display.

How do I configure a Liftlog™XL?

Liftlog™ can be configured wirelessly using a laptop fitted with a Link-2 long range Bluetooth modem and running our FSU application. We don’t recommend using existing Bluetooth modems in your PC as these aren’t sufficiently reliable for configuration purposes. The good news is that we supply one free Link-2 with your first order and the latest FSU software is always available for free download from the Liftlog™ webpage. For more details on configuration, refer to the User Manual.

How do I get information from the Liftlog™ device?

Open a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and type in the URL you have been given into the address box. If you have not received a URL (web address) that can be used to connect to your data, please contact

A screen will appear, that reflects all cranes with Liftlog™XL devices installed, for which you have access rights. If the individual pieces of equipment are not visible, click on the icons on the left hand side to show the equipment belonging to that group (site, equipment class etc).

A variety of information is available via this interface to extract data and further configure the device’s reporting features.

Do I need to calibrate the data logger using test weights?

Almost certainly. The only times when calibration will not be required are when the Liftlog™ is being connected an already calibrated Konecranes ControlPro (Model LL102)or ABUS LIS (Model LL103).

You will also need to recalibrate the unit after changing the gain, input type or if you erase the calibration for any reason.

Can I use the Liftlog™XL for overload protection?

Yes, provided that you are powering the unit from an AC power source. DC power sources do not provide enough power to switch the limit relays.

Do I need to arrange my own SIM card?

All devices will ship to Australian destinations with a SIM card installed. 6 months access is provided free of charge. After this time, for a small monthly/yearly fee, you can choose to continue using the existing card or you can remove this and replace it with your own card.

What type of SIM card plan do I need?

When purchasing a SIM card for use with the Liftlog™XL system please ensure:

  • The pre or postpaid plan includes data access. Voice only SIM cards will not work with the Liftlog™ XL
  • That you obtain the network name (APN), User ID, and Password required for connection to the carriers network.

Many carriers do not require a User ID or Password. However, at a minimum, most require that you configure the Liftlog™XL with the network name. Details on how to do this are provided in this User Guide.

When choosing a mobile service plan for use with Liftlog™XL, select the one with the lowest available monthly data limit. A VERY busy crane will generate around 1 megabyte of data per month. Some carriers offer low cost options for telemetry applications. It is worth investigating these.